Class #1 - What Makes a Corvid a Corvid?
Watch and listen to the entire class on this video
Corvids originated from the Australia/New Zealand region around 17 million years ago. Corvids belong to the Passerine or perching bird order. There are currently 23 genera and 120 species across the globe. Corvids are a very successful family and have colonized most of the earth. Corvidae include crows, ravens, jays, rooks, jackdaws, magpies, treepies, choughs, and nutcrackers.
There are very few endangered corvid species. One species of note, the Hawaiian Crow, is extinct in the wild and has dwindling numbers in captivity. A number of factors led to the demise of the Hawaiian crow such as disease, predators, and loss of habitat.
The Corvidae family is often described as intelligent, adaptable and playful. They have a brain to body mass ratio almost equal to that of the great apes and whales. Certain species have been documented using mirrors, which is a sign of self-awareness. There is well documented tool usage by certain species such as ravens and crows (See a video here).
Ecologically, corvid relationships with other animals, particularly predator-type carnivores, has a very long history. It's even thought that ravens have had an evolutionary impact on wolf socialization and group formation. Ravens can account for 40% of scavengers on wolf kills which led wolves over time to hunt in packs so they consume their kills faster and keep the food within their family. Corvids frequently consume kills made by other animals.
Basic Morphology:
-Most are medium to large in size
-Blue, black, iridescent in color
-Racous call
-Stout bill
-Bristle-like feathers on base of bill (unique to corvids)

-big eye sockets
-stout bills
-relatively large brain case
-Stout bills are flexible in how they are used (generally not specific to certain types of food, opportunistic feeders)
-Insects make up a large part of their diet
-Elliptical and flexible wing shape
-Not the quickest wing shape but highly adaptable
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Track drawings by David Moskowitz |
-Digitigrade animals (walk on toes)
-Versatile movement (for crows/ravens) can walk, hop, jump on the ground
-A foot track on the grade shows that the middle toe hugs the inside toe (specific to corvids)

-Territorial (depends on species, ex: ravens seem to be more territorial than crows)
-Many species are socially monogamous but sexually exploratory
-Nests vary depending on species but are fairly loosely constructed of sticks and branches, and reflect the size of the animal.
-They spend a fair amount of time rearing young compared to other families of birds
Our Western Corvids (Page numbers are for The Sibley Guide to Birds)
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Ravens communicating about a fish by David Moskowitz |
-thick bill
-spade/wedge tail
-often soar
-usually found in pairs (sometimes you see more when there is food nearby)
-more territorial
American Crow: Corvus brachyrhynchos (pp 360)
-cut/straight tail
-never soar
-hang in groups
Northwest Crow: corvus caurihus (pp 360)
-Found on coastal areas in Washington and BC.
Black Billed Magpie: Pica hudsonia (pp 358)
-Distinct coloration
-Long tail
-Associated with open landscapes
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Steller's Jay by Mary Kiesau |
Steller's Jay: Cyanocitta stelleri (pp 357)
-Often misidentified as blue jays
-brilliant blue coloration
-Associated with forested landscapes
Scrub Jay: Aphelocoma californica (pp 352)
-Arid environments
-Associated w/ oak trees
-missing crest on head
-lighter bellies
Pinyon Jay: Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus (pp 356)
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Gray Jay by Mary Kiesau |
-easily confused with scrub jays
Gray Jays/Whiskey Jack/Canada Jay (Camp Robbers): Perisoreus candadenis (pp 356)
-Very curious about humans
-Found in subalpine ecosystems
Clarks Nutcracker: Nucifraga columbiana (pp 356)
-Smaller than crows but bigger than jays
-Primarily eat whitebark pines nuts but will eat other pine nuts such as our ponderosa pine
Thank you for archiving these courses online for those of us who are interested but couldn't be there in person. I just watched class #1 and at the end there was a question regarding the sense of smell that birds might or might not have. Here is a recent Birdnote that compliments the question quite well. Junco's apparently have scents in their feather oils that are different for both males and females which help with mate selection.
ReplyDeleteThanks Boose! Bird Note is a great resource. :-)