From Frogs, Logs, Dogs, Slogs, Bogs, Hogs, and Pollywogs - It's the Methow Conservancy Blog!
Occasional posts - from the quirky to the momentous - on the life and times of the Methow Conservancy.
(What you won't find in E-News)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Our First Post

We've been toying with the notion of starting (and maintaining!) a blog for many months now.  It seems like there is something we could share everyday - from seeing a wood duck on an easement, to the happenings at the Methow & Chewuch confluence outside our windows, to what went on at a recent county planning meeting.  Many things happen - some important and some just really cool - in the month that passes between each E-News - and we know that many of you out there would love to get more updates from us (right??).  So, here we go...launching ourselves into the world of blogging.  We hope you'll enjoy what you read and comment and share as you wish!
A juvenile Wood Duck (okay, it's not the greatest photo but it was very cool to see a Wood Duck!)

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